Dear struggling marketer...
Tell me...
How long have you been trying to make money online?
1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 5 years?
... And how is it going for you?
I guess not that great, or you wouldn't be reading this sales letter now, would you?
And tell me, how much have you spent so far on training, tools, software and traffic?
$100, $1000, $10 000?... Or even more?
Did you ever ask yourself these questions, silently, in shame, in your head?
' I did everything they told me to... and failed!' Why?'
'Their traffic software never sent me anything close to what the claims say on their sales page!' Why?'
'Why is no one else making money except those who launch products or that make testimonials?' Why?
...Because most marketers use highly paid sales copywriters that exploit the primal part of your brain against you, by selling you 'empty dreams' and making you 'visualize the future'!
Now, don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good marketers out-there, but there are also a lot of shady marketers too...
=> But those who are shady... profit on 'SALES VOLUME' & 'SALES CONVERSIONS'... Not for your benefit...
=> Because they care more about making money for their
affiliates and their own bottom line... leaving you, the customer, the
last one to benefit of their offer... which makes no sense... Because the offer is supposed to be made for the customer, LOL...
The Sad Truth Is...
The sad truth is if they cared so much about you, their sales letters would actually tell you what you are buying...
Instead, all you see on their sales pages are 100 different versions of 'how much money you will be making'... but they never tell you what you are getting... which leads me to...
Gurus Target Innocent People And It Works...
Let me ask you this...
Who buys a product or training that says nothing on the sales page except: 'You'll make money', written in 100 different ways?
'Well-informed' shoppers or those who are not?
Need I say more? Looks like I do... because there are thousands of people out-there who are buying their crap over and over, expecting different results! - LOL
*** Keep in mind that if shady marketers are not telling you what you are buying on their sales page, IT'S BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW, because that would REDUCE THEIR SALES AND CONVERSIONS! - It's that simple!
Smart Shoppers Look For The Real Bullet Points...
I think you will agree with me that 'well-informed' shoppers will take the time to see and understand what they are about to buy...
So they look for bullet points, that actually detail what they are getting...
If there isn't any, and it's all 'Hype', they skip the offer...
That's much smarter, right?
That leaves more money in your pocket if you skip a product you don't need, right?
And don't get me wrong, I got caught-up in their 'HYPE' B.S. more than once...
But after getting screwed 1-2-3 times, it's enough, would you agree?
So this is why today I am here with a special offer that can MAKE & SAVE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!
I mean...
If you are to promote something, at least promote something worth promoting, that will actually help your audience, while you make money... I think that just makes sense, right?
So here's what is included in the marketing package, when you get your copy of the 'Online Marketing Dirty Secretz' report today:
P.S. It would be more profitable for me to sell this PLR Marketing Package as a 'One Time Offer' for $17/$27, but in these tuff economic times, I am giving it to you at no extra cost when you grab your copy of 'Online Marketing Dirty Secretz' today!
If it makes you happy, it makes me happy!
I am not just about my bottom line, your satisfaction matters too!
And as you can see by now, I am not about 'HYPE' either... I am about high quality content!
Today, you know EXACTLY what you are buying and you know it will actually help you... for once...
At the end of the day, smart investing pays and puts more money in your pocket!
I REALLY don't care if shady marketers are mad at me for revealing their dirty secrets!
Besides, I don't partner with them when I launch products...
I love my affiliates and I work with the honest ones, who use logic over 'Hype'!
My real money, I do it by implementing the methods I teach...
So whether I make 10 sales or 1,000 sales from a product I launch, it doesn't matter to me... At least those who get my stuff can be sure it will be of high quality, useful and honest!
You know... you don't need 10,000 clients when you offer good products, because those clients come back!
... And being honest also pays as you are about to see...
Below is a snap shot of my 2021 income tax report...
That's right, in 2021, when most of the world was broke, I made $216,000 and after expenses, I had $151,000 left!
Sure, I paid taxes on $151,000 but that's just life!
Not bad, right?
'So go cry in your corner shady marketers'
...I don't care about these shady marketers, the same way they don't care about their own clients!
... Now, it's time you discover how shady marketers get you to spend your hard-earned money on their worthless crap!
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