Created by Michel Sirois

Thank You!
Here's Your Week-End


VIDEO #9: Delivering Clicks To Your Clients & Get 100% Of The Profits...

Below are suggested tools to make quick and easy images for your posts.

Select 1 of them and start making images.

If you already have an image maker, it's fine also, as long as you can make images...

WARNING 1: If you never posted in these groups, take it slowly here as well!

In the beginning, I recommend that you post in 'Up To' 25 groups per day, it can be less at first... but split these 25 posts in 5 different time frames, spread-out during the day.

So each time you go post, only make 5 posts at a time.

Do this for 2 weeks or 3... And then you should be able to post in 25 groups per day in 1 shot, just not at the beginning. 

So if you don't want to go in the penalty box for 2 weeks with Facebook, I recommend that you take it easy!

WARNING 2: If you REALLY want to be sure to 'Not Get Jailed' by facebook, make 5-10 different variables of your posts. By this I mean, slightly different post texts and different post images.

If you are adding a sales page link in your posts, it would be a good idea to CLOAK your sales page links with a URL shortner like Bitly

WARNING 4: DO NOT tag your name in your posts

If you follow the 4 guidelines above, you will be able to post without any problem.

VIDEO #10: Now... Check-Out This Super Hack!

Although I just showed you a free traffic method and one that could be a game-changer for you, there's plenty more...

Just to name a few more free traffic methods:

Start capturing leads from within your rotator and in time it will build you a huge email list so you can email your subscribers EVERY DAY and generate TONS OF DAILY CLICKS
Start trading clicks with other marketers like you and GET TONS OF FREE CLICKS
Post your bridge pages and PDF's in all Social Media where you already have an audience or contacts... A click is a click... If you are to make posts, post everywhere you can
Post Youtube videos and in your videos description boxes, add your bridge pages and PDF's

Combining all of these traffic sources and always sending the traffic it generates to your bridge pages and PDF's, is what will bring you free traffic and making 100% profits on all your traffic sales and affiliate commissions!

It's easy to get 50 - 200, even 500 FREE clicks per day to your rotator by COMBINING these traffic methods EVERY DAY...

Now imagine if you sold 500 clicks for $0.45/click... That's an easy $225.00 USD right there, and it's 100% profits in your pocket, without traffic expenses of your own. (If you generate your own traffic for free)

... And if you hire people to post for you, then you get a cut on the clicks you sell. (Minus the cost of the posts)

But here's an alternative I have not mentioned yet and that many traffic sellers are doing: If you don't want to generate your own traffic by posting in groups and stuff like that =>You could feed your rotator with paid traffic, then you can get a cut on the clicks you sell. (Buy low, sell high).

Your rotator is already set-up for that if you followed PART 1 of our training.

This method is risk-free because you are using your clients money to make money...

See what I mean by this:

... And Now, imagine if you were also TRADING CLICKS with other marketers like you, to get FREE traffic...

For each click you send to your rotator, you could be get 2, 5, 10, 20 FREE clicks back, I shit  you not! (Pardon my french)... But this method gets you tons of free clicks!

Check Out How You Could Be Getting 100+ Free Clicks Per Day Here!

You get it now?

You see the big picture now, right?

You understand that generating free clicks and trading clicks... is a SURE way to PROFIT WITHOUT ANY RISK, you agree?

You now also understand that if you don't want to generate leads yourself, you can outsource this by:

1. Hiring people to post for you, so you can get many clicks per day

2. ...Or you can buy low-cost Solo ads and sell the clicks at a higher price to make a net profit, without any risk at all.

=> Needless to tell you that if you get traffic clients, you trade traffic to get more free traffic and promote affiliate offers, YOU CAN ONLY MAKE MONEY!

=> BE CONSTANT and generate FREE traffic EVERY DAY, even if you are outsourcing the clicks of your clients! Aim for at least 50-100 fresh clicks per day!

=> It's by driving traffic EVERY DAY to your bridge pages and PDF's that you will make money EVERY DAY!

=> This is something that is SCALABLE and WILL GROW the more you do it...

After watching the 2 videos above, continue your training...

Part 4

What To Do To Keep Making Money When You Have No Traffic Clients In Your Rotator

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