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Email #1:

Headline: How Would You Like To Revive Your Email List And Profit At The Same Time?


Hi there,

Have you ever wondered why your subscribers stop being active when you send them emails?

• You are not hitting the SPAM box, so it's not that

• You tried everything to your knowledge but your list keeps losing its power

• You tried looking for solutions in search engines and were left empty handed

• You asked your other marketing friends if they currently have a solution for it and no one can really give you a straight-up answer that solves the problem

I get you!

I was there too not so long ago...

>> See Here [LINK]

But as a marketing veteran, I couldn't give up on these lists just like that and the ‘List Revival Mastery’ training gets your results!

>> Check It Out Here [LINK]

A golden nugget is waiting for you inside, I promise!




Email #2:

Headline: [MUST SEE] From 248 clicks, I was able to make $98 profit By Simply...


Hi there, 

Check this out…

From 248 clicks, I was able to make $98 profit, in 3 days... from lead I thought were DEAD!

That's $32.66 per day average potential I was about to get rid of...

Silly me...

That’s ($32.66 x 365 days) = $11,923.33 that I was losing every year.

Not only I am REVIVING my email lists, but I am also making money at the same time, from subscribers that I thought were completely DEAD!

And for a limited time, you can get the same 6 methods I use to revive my lists…

>> Get Instant Access Here [LINK]

Don’t miss-out on this. 

Any list builder needs this priceless knowledge!

You work too hard or spent too much money on traffic, it’s time you MAXIMIZE what you already have…

>> Get Instant Access Here [LINK]




Email #3:

Headline: [List Revival Mastery] 6 Methods That Make Your Unresponsive subscribers, Profitable By…


Hi there,

People are going nuts over this brand-new training!

Inside ‘List Revival Mastery’, you get all this:

• Method 1: How to clean-up your email list to avoid hitting the SPAM box. This is essential if you want a healthy and responsive list from the 'get go' 

• Method 2: How to spot potential 'Spam Traps' and 'Honey Pot' emails and how to get rid of them before it does damage to your email list. It sounds tecky but it's so easy that anyone can do this, even complete beginners

• Method 3: The GUARANTEED method that will revive your list and put more money in your pocket. I will be showing you step-by-step how 'I do it EXACTLY TO THIS DAY'

• Method 4: How to maximize the 'interest potential' and 'profit-pulling potential' of your audience without being invasive, tiring or annoying. You might not think that you are, but your subscribers may think otherwise

• Method 5: The 1-step you need to do each time before giving-up on inactive leads. If you don't do this, you are almost guaranteed to fail online and almost everyone I know do not know about this money-making trick

• Method 6: The type of traffic you have right now may also be a contributing factor to why your list is not responsive. This method will be showing you what traffic sources to look for and most importantly, the traffic sources to completely avoid. By this I mean that I prefer having 1,000 leads of potential buyers... over 20,000 dead-beat leads and I'm sure you do too. This method will show you exactly how I do it

• Checklist: Complete recap of the training and steps to take, to revive your list in a fun, easy and profitable way

Inside, you have all you need to REVIVE your email list and PROFIT at the same time.

Don’t wait, this special offer is time sensitive!

>> Get Instant Access Here [LINK]




Email #4:

Headline: [List Revival Mastery] Price Increase Soon, Hurry!


Hi there,

Our ‘List Revival Mastery’ special offer is close to an end… 

The price is increasing soon!

This is why you need to hurry to lock-in your MASSIVE DISCOUNT right now…

>> Get Instant Access Here [LINK]

By grabbing your ‘List Revival Mastery’ copy today, you have everything you need to have a real business that teaches you real methods to REVIVE your list(s) and PROFIT online…

You can get your premium training right here today!

But you need to hurry, the price is going up real soon!

>> Get Instant Access Here [LINK]

Your training is waiting for you!




Email #5:

Headline: [LAST CALL] REVIVE Your Subscribers Or Waste All The Efforts You Did By Building Your List!


Hi there,

Today is ‘Do Day’! By tomorrow the price to ‘List Revival Mastery’ will go way up.

If you haven’t grabbed your copy yet, click below now…

>> Get Instant Access Here [LINK]

Inside ‘List Revival Mastery’, you get all the 6 methods that will revive your subscribers:

• Method 1: How to clean-up your email list to avoid hitting the SPAM box. This is essential if you want a healthy and responsive list from the 'get go' 

• Method 2: How to spot potential 'Spam Traps' and 'Honey Pot' emails and how to get rid of them before it does damage to your email list. It sounds tecky but it's so easy that anyone can do this, even complete beginners

• Method 3: The GUARANTEED method that will revive your list and put more money in your pocket. I will be showing you step-by-step how 'I do it EXACTLY TO THIS DAY'

• Method 4: How to maximize the 'interest potential' and 'profit-pulling potential' of your audience without being invasive, tiring or annoying. You might not think that you are, but your subscribers may think otherwise

• Method 5: The 1-step you need to do each time before giving-up on inactive leads. If you don't do this, you are almost guaranteed to fail online and almost everyone I know do not know about this money-making trick

• Method 6: The type of traffic you have right now may also be a contributing factor to why your list is not responsive. This method will be showing you what traffic sources to look for and most importantly, the traffic sources to completely avoid. By this I mean that I prefer having 1,000 leads of potential buyers... over 20,000 dead-beat leads and I'm sure you do too. This method will show you exactly how I do it

• Checklist: Complete recap of the training and steps to take, to revive your list in a fun, easy and profitable way

Inside, you have all you need to REVIVE your email list and PROFIT at the same time.

This is 'The Last Call'! Hurry and lock-in your MASSIVE DISCOUNT right now…

>> Get Instant Access Here [LINK]







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